Brus Chambers strongly believe that genuine industry legal specialists are rare, but they can save time and money for clients. Brus Chambers arbitration team specialises in commercial international and domestic arbitration. Brus Chambers is a top-tier law firm in India that specialises in certain areas of practice including domestic and international arbitration work in India and outside India. Brus Chambers specialises in arbitration representing client as solicitors in arbitration.
Brus Chambers arbitration team have spent decades litigating, arbitrating, and successfully resolving international disputes in forums worldwide. Our consistent success stems from our attorneys' knowledge of international law, our experience in a wide range of disputes, and our expertise with the rules of arbitration. Our international arbitration lawyers are consistently retained by companies, associations, government entities, professionals and individuals because of our skill, professionalism and ability to meet the needs of our clients.
Brus Chambers has an outstanding global reputation for arbitration practice with a core team of international and domestic arbitration experts who are leaders in their field. They work with ease across a wide range of industry sectors and jurisdictions.
Arbitration is the forum of choice for resolving disputes in our main practice areas of commercial disputes. Arbitration has emerged as the preferred mechanism for many companies seeking to settle commercial disputes, particularly those with cross-border element. Our international arbitration team conducts arbitrations under the rules of all major institutions, as well as ad hoc arbitrations, in venues around the world.